Chap 1   Chapter 2 : The chemistry of biology   Chap 3

atom PENCIL graphite, CHARCOAL diamond: solid; mercury liquid. Atmosphere 78% N, 21% O, .04% CO2, .00005% H2. Paper clip steel alloy: FE + C + AL Hydrogen is very reactive: Hindenburg explosion Hydrogen is very reactive: balloon explosion (HHMI)
electrons SAY electricity. Noble HE, NE, argon, krypton, xenon, radon.
bond-ionic BRING NaCl to sell SALT and SUGAR water.
DOQ Cl=17; Na=11. atomic#. IONIC bonds strong! crystal has facets. BANANA and ORANGE potassuin/hydrate. Gatorade 1/2 the sugar? Electrolytes: do you need these in sports drinks?
bond-covalent SAY H GAS, QUIZ on Oxygen right after!
MAKE CO2 DOUBLE bond MOLYMOD! H in atmosphere (0.55ppm) is STABLE H2! O2=21%, CO2=0.039% Antioxidants and free radicals: dangers of unpaired electrons
bond-polar SAY ionic = extreme POLAR bonds. How microwave oven works: by disrupting hydrogen bonds
cohesion Do PREVIEW water creep up paper TOWEL how? Water pulled up a tree due to cohesion
surface_tension This is a fishing spider, 6.6 ml meniscus. Birds dance on water due to surface tension
QH 501.L544 Life/Birds 34:30 Clark's/Western grebe crop. oil in soap (phobic + philic)spreads, break surface tension
solvent SAY hydrophilic, lipids are phobic.
water ERROR: figure H+ and OH- are IONS, not molecules. Hydrogen+ ion=Hydronium H3O+. MOLYMOD. Hydrogen peroxide=H2O2.
Hydrogen fuel cell with PEM technology Electrolysis: Producing hydrogen from water Tesla lithium-ion laptop cells; PEM=Proton Exchange Membrane
Electrolysis splits water (cathode = -); PEM splits H2 into H+ & e: e goes to cathode (+) via circuit, recombine w H+ & O2.
pH MOLYMOD potential of H=negative logarithmic=base(10) power (exponent). 7 moles=6.02*1023/l (kg).
Stomach pH 2, blood 7.4: milk proteins digested in 1 minute; anti-acid -> food allergy.
Why treat peptic ulcer with anti-acid? Helicobacter pylori!
Alkaline water? Acidosis -> exercise. Peptic Ulcer: why 'medications to suppress stomach acid'?

Copyleft Peter Chen