Chap 8   Chapter 9 : Genes and inheritance   Chap 10

mendel Bring SUNFLOWER pollen/carpel/seeds HERMAPHRODITE self-cross; discuss traits here, GENOTYPE discussed next.
trait for ch10: evolving US population.
Scientific: observe, control variables, statistics/size. St Thomas's Abbey in Brno Augustinian monastery Czech Republic
genes Dominates conversation, recedes silent; but some people interm/incomplete: aggressive/passive.
Many genetic diseases RECESSIVE: sickle. Lactase Non-Persistence unexpressed after weaning incomplete? Nectarine = Mutant Peach? PCR, electrophoresis to detect insertion mutation (Bite-Sci-zed) Epigenetic inheritance (you are what your grandmother ate) 3:00-7:10 agouti mice and epigenome (NOVA) Epigenetic inheritance (you are what your grandmother ate) 3:00-7:10 agouti mice and epigenome (NOVA) Epigenetic therapy (a kinder, gentler chemotherapy: methyl tags to the rescue)
mendelian TRUE breeding=pure-bred: black hair in Asia!
WHY 1/4 in F2? See NEXT punnett.
recessive bring WHITE & colored paper: albino absorbs nothing (next topic on giraffe)
But oversimplified: black hair can turn WHITE - no pigment!
cross Many diseases RECESSIVE (lactose, sickle): can predict; but PUNNETT easier graphic model: random!
punnett GRAPHICAL model based on knowledge of genes & meiosis MEIOSIS gametes, giraffe similar to pea: BROWN pigment;
Note CAP M for dominant LOWER m recessive. Use PAINT example: XX x XY ->boy/girl. Jnherit from ANCESTOR evo
phenotype Bring WHITE paper: albino ABSORBS nothing. Use M for dominant, m recessive (see Punnett)
punnett_square Blue eyed baby question based on frequency: can black-haired TRUE breeding Asians have blond child?
testcross MARKERS These are ALLIGATORS ok. Genetic linkage: dihybrid crosses and gene mapping
incomplete_dominance Also chlorophylls, hair. Blonde hair baby -> darker due to hormones; my hair has turned white.
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: FH heterozygote has few liver LDL receptors, cardiovascular disease.
bloodABO Donated blood only RBC, no plasma. Blood types and blood compatibility
blood_donation Type A has anti-B; Type O has both.
XLinked Color blind gene = R (Receptor?)
SelfQ=0%! EmmaRobertson: father & son color-blind; next son color-blind=50% (mother mustb carrier)
male baldness higher androgen receptor activity on X: castrated produce no androgens; + chromosome 20

Copyleft Peter Chen