Chap 7   Chapter 8 : Chromosomes and cell division   Chap 9

binary_fission PREVIEW fertilized egg: diploid, all cells same DNA! Don't forget genes & alleles! Asexual: no PARENTS, I've been cloned; never died!
complementary Fission needs to replicate DNA - this is also FISSION, clone!
chromosome SAY chromosome at the top! 1 or 2 chromatids!
chromatids Get DNA model. DAUGHTER chromosomes. SISTER chromatids clone! Need to FOLD the 2 METERS of DNA! DNA packaging: histones and nucleosomes (HHMI)
karyotype Evolution of human chromosome #2: why do humans have 46 chromosomes, other great apes have 48? Apes 48 chromosomes, common ANCESTOR! #2 has 2 centromeres from chimp #13
chimp, gorilla, gibbon, bonobo evolution science?
homologous alleles is from meoisis MOVIE from ebook 6c Q Animation.
sexual_cycle BRING MARKERS for CHICKEN egg; Colchicine mitosis TETRAPLOID watermelon: diploid gamete! NAVEL orange sterile anthers: seedless. PEANUT buckeye embryo.
Split seedless BANANA: clone from suckers/shoots. Seedless Watermelon (Bite-Sci-zed triploid Colchicine tricks!) Splitting a banana: seedless fruits are all clones How many times have your cells divided?
sex-determination This is preview MEIOSIS. XYY normal! SRY not in Phelan.
X and Y HOMOLOGOUS -> cross-over & recombine. How many copies of a gene? 4. Calico cats: random inactivation of an X chromosome Meiosis, crossing over, and the SRY gene: XX males and XY females (HHMI)
cell_cycle Interphase is 1-3 of figure, then condense karyotype: 4) M, 5)C.
This is true CYCLE though cell splits into 2 CLONES.
Gap 1 also called G1 (Growth - see vid, but no G0) Revu
checkpoints Note Mitosis is M + C here. M checkpoint at metaphase: 3 strikes, or 3 passwords. Cell Cycle Checkpoints: 4 strikes allowed
cancer Cancer formation: abnormal cell division
mitosis Revu no cell plate.
mitosis-metaphase Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores on opposite sides of centromeres.
mitosis-anaphase Review Q: 4 sets of chromosomes.
mitosis-telophase Spindle apparatus is disassembled.
meiosis Meiosis and sexual cycle review; nondisjunction (QuickTime movie from ebook) Meiosis MOVIE ebook 6c Q Animation: good review of alleles; chromosomes not SHORTER: folded; Ana I: Spindle fibers pull whole chromosomes is not WRONG
DO anaphase MATCHING exercises #2 - chromosomes have 2 chromatids, crossing over=Meiosis I.
SKIP spermatogenesis/oogenesis for LAB only.
meiosis_I SAY recombination. Interphase bo DNA duplication. Metaphase I: random align! Evolution of Y chromosome over 300 million years: are the X and Y really homologous? (HHMI)
meiosis_II Meta II: no longer sister chromatids due to X-over!
nondisjunction Extra chromosome is the dark/light GREEN pair. Meiosis II animation: audio only
trisomy Many DOWN develop Alzheimer: amyloid-beta on 21 Link Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: chromosome 21 has 250 genes
aneuploidies Turner X blank, XO. XX males and XY females: crossing-over; OY is fatal. PAINT XYY: metaphase II
CALICO halloween orange/black/white can be XXY Klinefelter!

Copyleft Peter Chen