Chap 10   Chapter 11 : Evolution and behavior   Chap 12

innate Hard to overcome INSTINCT inherited GENES like hair. Reproductive SUCCESS fitness. Will roll other objects , nest on mulch. Mandarin ducklings jump from tree: imprint on mom (BBC Planet Earth)
prepared_learning Instincts not PERFECT but don't fear LIZARDS or flowers; aping=imitation/mimic
altruism non-Darwin; rabbits are selfish, but suppose fastest do not reproduce? Giant Pacific Octopus altruistic behavior: she starves to death (27:35) BBC-Life CreaturesOfTheDeep 27:35 Octopus dies protecting eggs
kin_selection Most callers are female with close kin, like meerkat Timon. kin relatedness
intrasexual_selection Discuss INTRASEXUAL male competition 1st. Australian Giant Cuttlefish cross-dressing "cuckold" sneakers (25:10) BBC-Life CreaturesOfTheDeep/#23:30 Australian Giant Cuttlefish sneaks impersonate
reproductive_investment Drosophila DOZENS eggs. Penguins equal investment. INVEST commit assets/resources for future benefit; mammal MILK invest.
mate_guarding BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/1.2_TakingToTheAir/#10:45 Damselflies chastity belt; Argia moesta=Powdered dancer
Bullfrog dad shows parental care Queen bee's wedding flight: phallus from drone is ripped out Honey bee aerial mating (10:00)
intersexual_selection 1. Grebe courship also 3. NUPTIAL gift. 2. Marmot territories e.g. damselfly breeding.
Peahen fly out of BROOKFIELD
Clark's Grebe: nuptial gift and courtship QH 501.L544 Life/Birds 34:30 Clark's Grebe crop, 39:50 Vogelkop Bowerbird. Intersexual selection: Vogelkop Bowerbird seduction (BBC Life - Birds) Intersexual selection: Caspian Terns mating (cloacal kiss)
mate_selection Scudderia (Bush Katydid). 50 pounds of human semen; note ovipositor! Bush cricket (katydid) mating: sperm removal, then spermatophore (nuptial gift) Katydid courtship: females eat spermatophore
mating_systems Elephant seal males INTRASEXUAL selection! can self-fertilize HERMAPHRODITE peas. Slugs are snails, snakes are lizards (ch08) Hermaphrodite leopard slugs mating in midair leopard slugs
sexual_monomorphic SAY Nazca Boobie here, are HUMANS monomorphic/monogamous? Yes if naked.
sexual_dimorphic Xtra CREDIT sexual dimorphism birds. Elephant seal beachmaster: size matters BBC-LifeInTheFreezer/#2:30 508.989 LIF Elephant seal beachmaster (circulation desk)
communicate balloonfish=puffer. Silkworm mulberry cannot fly; roar 5 miles. Visual unlimited range. Silkworm moths mating: they can no longer fly to find a mate in the wild Oxytocin: the "cuddle chemical" BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/2.1_IntimateRelations/ 23:35 Blister Beetle larvae pheromone attract bee
27:50 Botfly uses housefly to carry eggs
waggle_dance WAGGLE=wag side-side, not twerking. Honey bee waggle dance: visual and mathematical communication Honey bee waggle, aerial mating (10:00) New Caledonian Crow uses meta-tool (PBS Nature "A Murder of Crows") 18:30-20:05 '007′ the Crow solves 8-step puzzle

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