Chap 6   Chapter 7 extras: Genomics and biotechnology   Chap 8

"Biology has at least 50 more interesting years." - James Watson

Supplementary videos
Gene Editing Using CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (Cleveland Clinic)
Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9 (McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT)
Ebola vaccine: in GM tobacco plants
GMO Soybeans & Sustainability: herbicide and no-till
Biofuels in one easy step: just add modified E. Coli
Engineering switchgrass: to create a better biofuel
Genetically modified mosquitoes bred to fight Zika
Golden rice: enriched with beta carotene to treat vitamin A deficiency (PRI)
The Future of Food 25:30-30:00 engineering Roundup Ready corn
Therapeutic cloning I : nuclear transfer (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning II : making a blastocyst for embryonic stem cells (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning III : blastocyst development (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning IV : growing stem cells with Sonic Hedgehog (HHMI)
First baby born with DNA from 3 parents
First baby born with 3 parent technique: nuclear transfer
Short tandem repeats: for forensic analysis
DNA fingerprinting: restriction enzymes, electrophoresis, repeat sequences
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Breeding out disease (CBS 60 Minutes, 10/26, 2014)1:30 - 6:45
Personal DNA testing 4:30 - 10:30 What are your genetic risk factors? (NOVA scienceNOW)

Extra credit readings

Additional material

Copyleft Peter Chen