Chap 7   Chapter 8 extras: Chromosomes and cell division   Chap 9

"In the first step of meiosis, you don't divide by two, you multiply by two." - David C. Page

Supplementary videos
DNA packaging: histones and nucleosomes (HHMI)
Evolution of human chromosome #2: why do humans have 46 chromosomes, other great apes have 48?
Seedless Watermelon (Bite-Sci-zed triploid Colchicine tricks!)
Splitting a banana: seedless fruits are all clones
Calico cats: random inactivation of an X chromosome
Meiosis, crossing over, and the SRY gene: XX males and XY females (HHMI)
Cell Cycle Checkpoints: 4 strikes allowed
Evolution of Y chromosome over 300 million years: are the X and Y really homologous? (HHMI)
Link Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: chromosome 21 has 250 genes

Extra credit readings

Additional material

Copyleft Peter Chen