Chap 4   Chapter 5 extras: Energy   Chap 6

"When you breathe, you respire. When you do not breathe, you expire." - Anon.

Supplementary videos
A photosynthetic sea slug: an animal with chloroplasts
How microwave oven works: by disrupting hydrogen bonds
Photosynthesis: light (photo) reactions
Proton pump inhibitors: active transport using ATP
How cyanide disrupts ATP synthesis: by inhibiting the last proton pump in the ETC
Dengue virus: proton pump lowers pH (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
Dengue virus enters cell by endocytosis (HHMI)
Biofuel from tofu waste by fermentation
From milk to yogurt: by fermentation with bacteria
What is cellulose and how is it used to make ethanol ? Fermentation!
Biochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels by fermentation
Energy sources for prolonged exercise

Extra credit readings

Additional material

Copyleft Peter Chen