Chap 3   Chapter 4 : A tour of the cell   Chap 5

cell_theory Fatal FLAW first cell?
cell 500 nm = .5 µm as shown. Eukaryotes 10-100 µm (egg barely visible) CELLS total 100M m. How many cells do you have?
prokaryotic SAY proteins made by ribosomes. Note CIRCULAR genetic DNA. READ figure: genetic info=DNA inherited from parents: do bacteria have PARENTS?
Nitrobacter nitrite into nitrate in soil.
bilayer Hydrocarbon MOLYMOD tail
fluid_mosaic Revu ch03 nutrition labels: why plant foods no CHOLESTEROL can fold, fuse. CARBOHYDRATE added to glycoproteins.
Blood sugar -> insulin(exocytosis from pancreas) for cell uptake.
Liver not insulin-dependent uptake; glucagon glycogen -> glucose.
PLAY insulin first , then Adrenaline ch05: use MARKERS draw GDP-GTP, ADP-ATP-cAMP, liver release glucose from GLYCOGEN (adrenal glands top of kidneys).
By binding to adrenaline receptors, beta-blockers reduce anxiety symptoms. Plasma membrane: fluid mosaic model Pancreas, glucose, and liver: role of insulin receptors in type II diabetes; insulin resistance Insulin resistance: insulin binds to receptors, but signal cascade fails Action of epinephrine (adrenaline): role of beta-adrenergic receptors, diffusion, ATP (and GTP), glycogen, glucose Cholesterol in our blood: VLDL, LDL, and Lp(a) Cholesterol in our food and in our blood
nucleus Revu RIBOSOMES in prokaryotes, NUCLEAR family=parents+kids
endomembrane Lysosomes (removed) complete the cycle. Also endosomes.
ER Carbohydrate: glycogen made in LIVER and hydrolized in SER; 9 essential amino acids from food.
"within cytoplasm" "little net"; repeat synthesis defined in chap02.
Alcohol abuse -> tolerance to other drugs: more smooth ER in liver!.
Golgi transportation/distribution center P Office: to plasma membrane for glycoproteins (carbohydrate chains) or secretion.
mitochondrion SAY liver and MUSCLE cells need energy. Mitochondrial DNA: tracing human ancestry Mitochondrial DNA maternal; no variation; See 3-parent BABY in ch05/cloned, ch06/sexual_cycle
chloroplast Chloroplasts in Elodea: streaming with myosin and actin motor proteins
vacuole like BLADDER - osmosis, pigments, make poison
cell_wall TOILET ch03/cellulose in fruits/veggies - plants TERMITES eat wood, carpenter ants nest in wood!
cytoskeleton Micro & intermediate filaments; Cytoskeleton diversity: microtubules Cell crawling by actin cytoskeleton: neutrophil on the chase Cell crawling by actin cytoskeleton: fibroblasts crawling over epithelial cells Organelle movement along microtubule: kinesin walking, powered by ADP/ATP PLAY kinesin walking next chap 05: ADP/ATP power
diffusion GRADIENT is like a BALL or ORANGE rolling down folder. Play swf in FIREFOX browser?
osmosis Reverse: reclaim wastewater in CA; rm contaminants; pump thru membrane. Desalination Middle East. Your kidney at work: osmosis, diffusion, active transport in a nephron
osmotic TOILET cellulose. Can u DRINK lake or sea water? Fish PEE.
CELERY NaCL/distilled. Freshwater fish: need to urinate! Can we drink seawater? Reverse osmosis: desalinating seawater in Australia
active_transport Sodium Potassium Pump: active transport using ATP
endocytosis MARKERS not INSIDE yet! Influenzavirus A more common than B or C, RNA virus. Fusion of vesicle with membrane: endocytosis with help of membrane proteins Amoeba eats two paramecia: by endocytosis How a flu virus invades your body: by binding to membrane proteins Endocytosis of LDL Cholesterol: to make new membranes, via vesicles, endosomes, and lysosomes
Liver LDL receptors rm LDL, move cholesterol to other tissues. EXOCYTOSIS insulin from pancreas.

Copyleft Peter Chen