Chap 15   Chapter 16 : Population ecology   Chap 17

population Hairmites live in your face! LOBSTER. What's MISSING in community? algae. Is there a COMMUNITY in this room?
Follicle mite=arachnids mate in ur face! Dust eat skin, waste=allergens.
growth MARKERS: like COMPOUND interest. Growth rate=125 B - 25 D: 100 / 500 = .2 -> 600, 720, 864, 1036.8 Compound Interest Calculator: exponential growth
growth-exponential egg case 80 eggs(should be 10-20)/6 months. PEST control like sustainable yield - reduce them below K.
capacity Mark & Recapture Locust Plague in Bolivia: January 2017
growth-logistic "S" shape (sigmoid curve) We Love Logistics: UPS managing resources
cycles Hudson Bay Co pelts. BUT sometimes lynx precedes hare? HARE can cycle wo lynx! Fur trappers play a role.
Lynx are HUMANS, cycle can stop EXTINCT bring BOTTLENECK m&m. Why are so many more acorns falling this year? To control rodent predators?(2016)
sustainable Lumber. Fish more vulnerable; other meats domesticated. Atlantic bluefin tuna, Atlantic cod; but we rarely know K.
BYCATCH sharks? Atlantic (east & west populations) cod, Southern (Atlantic) bluefin tuna (Albacore) Sustainable fishing Marine Stewardship Council: would you rather eat small Skipjack or big Bluefin tuna? Pole & line fishing for Skipjack tuna
human_population Bubonic Plague/Black Death 14th century rat fleas.
age_US COHORTS like height intervals. You are millennials after Gen X? Marry each other. Females LIVE longer.
LAST figure: manage resources chickens/bird flu!

Copyleft Peter Chen