Chap 13   Chapter 15 : Evolution and diversity among the microbes   Chap 16

microbe-numbers SKIP chap14 plants & fungi. 100 trillion cells: 1/10 are human: prokaryote < 10 micron, euk 100 µm.
virus Virus LOTTERY, attendance envelope. FLU has envelope, COLD virus no envelope. Poliovirus Vaccine Trial Shows Promise for Brain Tumor Better batteries through viruses
HIV This plasma membrane shows surface RECEPTOR proteins.
Two SINGLE stands, not double helix. Capsid also injected, but digested. Macrophages survive, T cells lyse. HIV life cycle: reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease (44 MB) HIV life cycle: reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease HIV diversity HIV treatment: AZT blocks reverse transcriptase (HHMI) HIV treatment: Ritonavir protease inhibitor (HHMI) HIV treatment: Raltegravir inhibits integrase by binding to Magnesium ions Retroviruses and retroviral-like transposons: jumping viruses Endogenous retroviruses: life cycle and ancestral implications Repetitive DNA: LINEs, SINEs, and ALUs (transposons); whales and hippos, oh my
flu Different from ANTIGENS on RBC because flu is foreign, elicit antibodies! H=Hemagglutinin for binding, N=Neuraminidase for freeing from host.
Respiratory system, nasal; 8 negative sense strands -> positive mRNA; RNA dependent RNA polymerase
Subtypes = alleles, but no parents; Flu is retrovirus, replicates in nucleus. Relenza Flu Drug: inhibits Neuraminidase surface protein that frees the virus from host Therapeutic antibodies neutralize the flu virus: an alternative to vaccines?
bird-flu Flu A can be bird/swine (also B, C) Hong Kong 1968. Vaccine 2 A + 1 B each year.
Pigs can get flu from birds & humans, recombine -> human H1N1 (Swine)
Genetic recombination in flu virus (Note: no crossing over) (HHMI) H1N1: Swine flu life cycle Dengue Virus structure: like other flaviviruses such as Zika and West Nile Dengue virus enters cell by endocytosis (HHMI) Dengue has lipid envelope, CAPSID and RNA genome; ZIKA skin cells? Dengue virus lecture by Eva Harris, 2010 6:30-8:00 enters cell by endocytosis

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