Chap 5   Chapter 6 : DNA and the expression of genes   Chap 7

DNA SAY complementary like sides of DOLLAR bill (use as review). Bring dna MODEL from lab.
genome All cells same DNA! Protein example: keratin skin/nail/hair, melanin.
genome_sizes 3 BILLION base PAIRS double helix! nano=billionth. 2000 SEQUENCED! How much DNA do you have?
alleles skin color affected by environment?
non-coding SKIP non-coding INTRONS! Flyover mentions exons, transposons 1:45 simple repeats! Chromosome 11 Flyover: 3:15: 60% olfactory genes nonfunctional
:30 exons, transposons, globins; skip 3:00-4:00; 60% olfactory nonfunctional, dogs 18% pseudogenes NOTE Transcript below video
PBS-YourInnerFish InnerMonkey 19:25 Human smell: dogs 1000 genes, 600 don't work in humans List of organisms by chromosome count
expression 1970 Crick: this is mRNA; others such as transfer RNA; grandma's ORAL recipes. Differential EXPRESSION.
Melatonin circadian rhythm.
Drosophila internal clock: period, timeless, doubletime genes (2017 Nobel Prize) Drosophila circadian rhythm: period, timeless, doubletime genes (2017 Nobel Prize) Drosophila internal clock: period, timeless, doubletime genes (2017 Nobel Prize) (HHMI) Inhibiting HIV reverse transcriptase: nevirapine is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
transcription SKIP #4 introns. Fannypack UNZIP demo. MARKERS do QUIZ please.
translation From DNA to protein: transcription and transcription
tRNA RNA can fold like a protein and act as a catalyst (HHMI) Gln=Glutamine; Genetic code in detail later. Example EXPRESSION from TGC - ACG - UGC (Threonine).
genetic_code UNIVERSAL code. SAY Codon Table, explain codon ACG is Threonine. Do THIS quiz: AAA is mRNA TTT on DNA UUU on tRNA
mutant_fly Replication discussed next chapter; most common substitution next topic.
Mutant=change(red eyes), not grotesque monster/disease (lactose tolerance).
mutations Do substitution (LEFT on figure) on notepad.
Do insertion QUIZ answer is C before TCG.
Different mutations BIOGEOGRAPHY Europe & Africa lactose tolerance.
Set XTRA credit on deletion:
Talk how many mutations after next chap how many divisions.
NEXT chap teach GMO etc for XTRA credit How many mutations do your cells have? What caused this deletion mutation? Thymine Dimers: mutation and repair of DNA damaged by UV A mutation story: why can dogs synthesize vitamin C, but not humans and other primates? The evolution of lactose tolerance (persistence): mutation in (non-coding) gene switch
mutant_protein ALDEHYDE dehydrogenase: acetaldehyde! Defective melanin: albino a MUTANT?
Tay-Sachs lipid-digesting enzyme in lysosomes (cell membrane accumulate)

Copyleft Peter Chen