Chapter 37 extras: Behavior and the Environment

"You can take the frog out of the pond, but you cannot take the pond out of the frog." - Candace Savage

Supplementary videos
Lyrebird: the master mimic
Operant conditioning: shaping behaviors of pigeons and humans (B. F. Skinner)
Operant conditioning: teaching pinnipeds logic (NOVA ScienceNow) 3:00-6:30
Classical conditioning: eliciting conditioned response from the male consumer (Burger Shots)
Classical conditioning: how to ignore side effects (Abilify)
Mandarin ducklings jump from tree: imprint on mom (BBC Planet Earth)
New Caledonian Crow uses meta-tool (PBS Nature "A Murder of Crows") 18:30-20:05
'007′ the Crow solves 8-step puzzle
Intersexual selection: Vogelkop Bowerbird courtship (BBC Life - Birds)
Kings of Camouflage: cross-dressing cuttlefish males sneak in (NOVA) 24:30-27:40
Honey bee waggle dance
Honey bee waggle dance competition
Honey bee aerial mating from "More Than Honey" by Markus Imhoof
Oxytocin: the "cuddle chemical"
Communication among gulls: calls and postures
Giant Pacific Octopus altruistic behavior (BBC Life 3:00-5:55)

Extra credit readings

Additional material

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