Human Genetics: Couple # 3

 GenotypePhenotypeGenotypePhenotype GenotypeGenotypePhenotype
RhRh+ Rh++Rh+ Rh-+ ++ or -+
AnemiaHb HbnormalHbsHbnormal HbHbs or Hbnormal
SexX YmaleX Xhfemale hemophilia carrier X or YX or Xh1/2 male hemophilia, 1/2 female hemophilia carrier
Myopian nnormaln nnormal nnnormal
DimplesD ddimplesD ddimples D or dD or d3:1 dimples
EarlobesE efreeE Efree E or eEfree
HairS CwavyS Sstraight S or CS1:1 straight:wavy
Baldb bnot baldB bnot bald bB or b1/2 male bald
TongueR rrollerr rnonroller R or rr1:1 roller:nonroller
Toet tfirstT Tsecond tTsecond
ToneM mdeafm mnormal M or mm1:1 deaf:normal
    • Dominant: Rh+, Hb, dimples, free, roller, deaf
    • Homozygous: IO IO, Rh+ Rh+, n n, b b, t t
    • Heterozygous: Hb Hb, D d, E e, S C, R r, M m
  1. Recessive: blood O, not myopic, not bald, first
  2. Neither: wavy
    • Dominant: Rh+, Hb, dimples, free, straight, not bald, second
    • Homozygous: IO IO, n n, E E. S S, r r, T T, m m
    • Heterozygous: Rh+ Rh-, Hbs Hb, X Xh, D d, B b
  1. Recessive: blood O, not myopic, not bald, nonroller, normal tone
  2. Neither:
    1. How many of this child's traits are like the phenotype of the mom? What are they?
      All, except below.
    2. How many of this child's traits are like the phenotype of the dad? What are they?
      All, except below, second.
    3. Does the child have any phenotypes that are different than either parent? If so, what are they?
      1/2 male hemophilia, 1/2 female hemophilia carrier, 3:1 dimples, 1:1 straight:wavy, 1/2 males bald, 1:1 roller:nonroller, 1/2 deaf
    1. Does this child have genotypes that are different than either parent? If so, what are they?
      Male Xh Y, female X X, T t
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