Human Genetics: Couple # 11

1. Blood IB IB B IA IO A
2. Rh Rh+ Rh+ + Rh+ Rh+ +
3. Anemia Hbs Hbs sickle HbsHb? carrier
4. Sex X Y male XXc female carrier
5. Myopia N n myopic n n normal
6. Dimples d d no D d dimples
7. Earlobes e e attached E e free
8. Hair S C wavy S C wavy
9. Bald b b not bald B b not bald
10. Tongue R R roller R r roller
11. Toe t t first t t first
12. Tone m m normal m m normal
ChildSperm EggPhenotype
1. Blood IB  IA or IO AB or B
2. Rh +  + +
3. Anemia Hbs  Hb or Hbs 1/2 sickle
4. Sex X or Y  X or Xc 1/2 male colorblind
5. Myopia N or n  n myopic or normal
6. Dimples d  D or d dimples or no
7. Earlobes e  E or e attached or free
8. Hair S or C  S or C curly, 2xwavy, straight
9. Bald b  B or b male Bb bald
10. Tongue R  R or r roller
11. Toe t  t first
12. Tone m  m normal
    • Dominant: Blood B, Rh+, myopic, roller, normal tone
    • Homozygous: Blood B, Rh+, roller
    • Heterozygous: myopic
  1. Recessive: sickle, no dimples, attached, not bald, first, normal tone
  2. Neither: wavy
  3. 1 allele from each parent
    • Dominant: Rh+, no anemia, dimples, free, roller, normal tone
    • Homozygous: Rh+, normal tone
    • Heterozygous: dimples, free, roller
  1. Recessive: Hb carrier, colorblind carrier, normal vision, attached, not bald, first, normal tone
  2. Neither: Blood O, wavy
  3. 1 allele from each parent
  1. Sex
    1. Mom's phenotype:
    2. Dad's phenotype:
    3. Different phenotype:
    1. Different genotypes:
    2. How?
    1. Identical phenotype?
    2. Identical genotype?
    3. Identical phenotype to parent?
    4. Identical genotype to parent?
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