DNA - The Master Molecule (computer simulation) Notes

Use labtops in cabinet! Bring RED and BLUE MARKERS!
Not in Phelan: do not click newly synthesized strand until semiconservative - dispersive;
anticodon (typical tRNA molecule),
Careful: p. 103: mRNA codon, Given amino acid???
bottom of p. 103 "Copy the DNA sequence given below":
just copy DNA, not reverse transcribe from mRNA.
Error 5d: UAC codon and AUG anticodon=Tyr, not Trp (UGG)!
Use codon chart
Orcodon table from Protein Synthesis - Part 1!
ASP = aspartic acid
ASN = (Asparagine)
GLU = glumatic acid
GLN = (Glutamine)

mRNA associates with small ribosomal unit
PART F - PROTEIN SYNTHESIS - Part 2 2 = anticodon (not discussed in Phelan)
pyrimidine = C, T/U one ring; G & A are purines
TATA Binding Protein - involved in transcription, why shown in translation? GGC = Proline (STOP should be UAA UAG UGA)
3' end of tRNA carries amino acid
OPTIONAL: Add Mutations F: Skip Introduction, do the 2nd part Mutation Simulation
point mutation=Substitution; Missense, Nonsense!

For Questions: RNA has one more oxygen in its pentose sugar than DNA

inde2.html Mutations has 3 sections: (but get different sequences each run: CANNOT do answer key! Introduction (repair mistakes = proofreading in HHMI video);
Mutation Simulation GC -> AC; GC -> UA; replaced Histidine w Tyrosine
UV: deletion; a large alteration (frameshift)


Copyleft Peter Chen